Welcome to the ACC Users Group
Established in 2009 to foster collaboration among owner/operators of powerplants with air-cooled condensers
The electric power industry’s only user group dedicated to resolving issues with air-cooled condensers. User participants include water chemists and O&M personnel at steam plants, combined-cycle facilities, and other types of generating stations relying on dry cooling.
Registration is required for participation in the various online forums supported by the group and credentials are subject to review by the steering committee. This review generally will be completed within 72 hours. Note that access to the database of ACC-equipped units is limited to owner/operators.
Participants in the group’s annual meeting include users as well as the leading suppliers and consultants providing dry-cooling solutions. The collaborative environment fostered by this unique group enables chemists, engineers, and O&M personnel to grow professionally and return to their plants with best practices for reducing expenses and improving performance worth many times the cost of attendance.