Full recap of 2017 ACCUG meeting published in CCJ

ACC Users Group ACC Users Group Discussion Forums Announcements from Steering Committee Full recap of 2017 ACCUG meeting published in CCJ

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    • #1998

      Hello All,

      Just wanted to keep you all informed on the recent publication of material from the 2017 ACC Users Group at http://www.ccj-online.com/issue-55/acc-users-group-2017-meeting-performance-improvements-in-fans-heat-transfer-water-chemistry-reflect-global-effort/. Topics covered include performance improvements in fans, heat transfer, and water chemistry reflect a global effort of collaboration among owner/operators, suppliers, and consultants.

      We know everyone is gearing up for the 2018 Conference in Colorado Springs from October 8-11 at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort. Hope to see you there.

      Don’t forget to register for the June 7 CCJ webinar, presented by Conco Services, on ACC Cleaning and Leak Detection Methods. Just click the ad at the top or bottom of the page to register.


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