Polisher Bypass operation High Cation Cond

ACC Users Group ACC Users Group Discussion Forums Steam Cycle, Chemistry & Corrosion Polisher Bypass operation High Cation Cond

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    • #2115
      Joshua Rinkes

      We are a 2×1 CC facility in Ohio with a 25-cell SPIG ACC. Our condensate system includes two 100% mixed bed condensate polishers, with a polisher in service unless condensate temperature approaches the resin limit. Since commissioning in December 2017, we have observed that when the polishers are bypassed, the steam drums cation conductivity increases rapidly into alert level 2 and we are forced to place the polisher back in service. Two suspected causes for this issue are air-ingress or contamination. The EPC has investigated the issue for months, performing ACC decay tests, air in-leakage testing, removing individual water sources, and tested water samples extensively. I would like to know if someone in the group has experienced this issue and if so, what was done to correct it. Thank you in advance.

    • #2118

      Hi Joshua,

      We have no polisher after condensate. But you can check these;
      If the water contamination problem exist:
      1.Do you check your oxygen level in condensate tank ? Is it stable ?
      2.Do you check your amine dosing to condensate system ? Maybe over dosage ?
      You can reduce the amine blends dosing.
      3.Sometimes condensate chemicals are not suitable contents and TOC level is getting increasing.
      4.We have CO2 trap demin tank inlet. Do you have CO2 trap ? It leads to form carbonic acid.
      5.Maybe you have carryover problem. You can check drum level. You can reduce the optimum level.
      6.Sometimes, the wiremesh whis is placed on top of the drum can destroy . You can check the wiremesh for to prevent carryover to steam.

      Good luck 🙂

    • #2128
      Joshua Rinkes


      Do you have a limit for CO2 or inorganic carbon in the Demin makeup water? What method could we use to test this out to determine if a co2 trap would be needed


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