2017 ACCUG meeting notice

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    • #1696
      Andy Howell

      [Note: Apologies to the many on this Forum who have received a separate email with this same information. My intent is to consolidate Forum participants onto a separate email list and to not routinely use the Forum for non-technical communications. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE A SEPARATE EMAIL NOTIFYING OF THE UPCOMING ACCUG MEETING, BUT WOULD LIKE TO IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY SENDING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH SUBJECT TITLE “ADD TO ACC EMAIL LIST.” Thank you.]

      To All,

      Preparations are underway for the 9th annual meeting of the Air-Cooled Condenser Users Group this Fall in Las Vegas, Nevada. The dates are October 2-5 (Monday-Thursday), with technical sessions on Tuesday & Wednesday, and ACC plant tours on Thursday. We have arranged to visit the Ivanpah concentrated solar plant (owned by NRG, BrightSource Energy and Google, operated by NRG), as well as the nearby Higgins combined cycle plant (owned & operated by NV Energy), for those who are interested and able.

      There are some slight changes from our usual meeting routine. We will have the normal Monday evening reception, but have canceled the Tuesday evening reception, as attendance at the Tuesday reception has been somewhat spotty in recent years. See website for other details as they develop:


      Registration is not yet available, but should be soon.

      We have several nice presentations offered, but are soliciting more along the following guidelines:

      On Tuesday morning, we will have focus sessions of approximately 2 hours each on “ACC Inspections” and “ACC Performance.”

      For Inspections (Internal and External), we are particularly interested in ACC users/operators who have experience reports to contribute. In other words, if you’ve done internal and/or external inspections and are willing to share your experiences, let me know and I will connect you with the session facilitators.

      For Performance, we are looking for an expert to contribute to and facilitate the session. In particular, utility personnel involved in performance monitoring / evaluation would be ideal contributors to this session. If you can share your procedures, criteria, monitoring practices etc., it would be of great interest to the group. Please let me know if you would like to participate in this session.

      While we want to maximize participation by utility personnel, we welcome consultants / vendors / OEMs to offer contributions to these subjects as well.

      The remaining sessions will be routine per prior meetings, with presentations of interest involving chemistry/corrosion, design/performance, and operation/maintenance being the general categories.

      Best Regards,

      Andrew Howell
      Xcel Energy | Responsible By Nature
      Senior System Chemist
      9500 Interstate 76
      Henderson, CO 80640
      P: 303-628-2656 F: 303-628-2926
      E: andy.howell@xcelenergy.com

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