ACC transient causing a Turbine Event or Trip

ACC Users Group ACC Users Group Discussion Forums Performance Issues ACC transient causing a Turbine Event or Trip

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    • #2162

      Has anyone had an ACC initiated transient (wind, solar radiation, wildlife, chemistry, mechanical or electrical failure, etc.) that lead to a turbine trip, runback, manual shutdown or a near miss? If yes, can you share the scenario, cause, effect, and what you did to prevent recurrence?

    • #2194

      Please excuse the fact that I am a vendor not an owner/operator. But as such have heard many examples of wind induced back pressure issues that might trip the turbine. Properly designed wind screens are intended to reduce the areas of fan back flow or stall to help reduce back pressure increases

    • #2201
      Desmond de Haan

      Causing a turine trip by running your plant too close to tubine backpressure trip levels was referred to as joining the ‘ 100.000 dollar turnine trip club’ at the powergen keynote session lat year
      source unknoen, but it was funny.

      I am sure that with all of the operators active on this forum there will be a wealth of stories to share, but am curious who is able and willing to share and let others learn from their learning curves.

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