ACCUG Virtual Conference – Oct 12-14

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    • #2421

      This serves as a reminder to get registered for the 2021 ACCUG Virtual Conference beginning on October 12.

      End Users: Free of Charge
      Vendors/Consultants: $99

      Nearly 200 users are signed up and ready to participate.

      TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2021 (All times Eastern USA)
      Chemistry & Corrosion
      Session Chair: Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity, UK

      10:00-10:30 am Latest in ACC Chemistry and Corrosion
      Presenter: Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity, UK
      10:30-11:00 am Assessing Corrosion in Air Cooled Condensers at Eskom Medupi Power Station
      Presenter: Sabelo Khanyile, ESKOM, South Africa
      11:00-11:30 am Film Forming Amine Trial and Inspection
      Presenter: Jeff Demattos, Cogentrix, USA
      11:30-12:00 pm Discussion
      12:00-13:00 pm BREAK
      13:00-13:30 pm FFS Application for ACCs Across the Dominion Fleet
      Presenter: Shana Ferrante, Dominion Energy, USA
      13:30-14:00 pm The Importance of Corrosion Product Monitoring
      Presenter: Ken Kuruc, Hach Company, USA
      14:00-14:30 pm Film Forming Amines for Preservation of Water Steam Cycles with and without ACC
      Presenter: Ronny Wagner, Reicon, Germany
      14:30-15:00 pm Discussion

      WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021 (All times Eastern USA)

      Design & Performance
      Session Chair: Riad Dandan, Dominion Energy, USA

      10:00-10:30 am ACC Fan Gearbox Load Measurements at the Medupi and Kusile Power Stations
      Presenter: Daniel Els, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
      10:30-11:00 am Overview of Stellenbosch University ACC Research
      Presenter: Hannes Pretorius, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

      11:00-11:30 am Extended Gear Life Through Dedicated Oil Conditioning and Remote Monitoring
      Presenter: Axel Wegner, C.C. Jenson, Inc., USA
      11:30-12:00 pm Discussion
      12:00-13:00 pm BREAK
      13:00-13:30 pm Latest Axial Fan Design
      Presenter: Bhaumik Modi, Hudson Products Corp., USA
      13:30-14:00 pm Wind Screens – V Frame vs. A Frame
      Presenter: Cosimo Bianchini, Ergon Research, Italy
      14:00-14:30 pm Performance Comparison Between Co-current and Counter-flow ACC Tubes
      Presenter: William Davies, Exponent, USA
      14:30-15:00 pm Discussion

      THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2021 (All times Eastern USA)

      Operation & Maintenance
      Session Chair: Rishi Velkar, NV Energy, USA

      10:00-10:30 am Real Time Monitoring of ACC Fans
      Presenter: TBD, Howden
      10:30-11:00 am ACC Maintenance
      Presenter: Huub Hubregtse, ACC Team, Netherlands
      11:00-11:30 am ACCs in Iran, Optimization and Challenges
      Presenter: Mohammadreza Vaghar, MAPNA, Iran
      11:30-12:00 pm Discussion
      12:00-13:00 pm BREAK
      13:00-13:30 pm Fully-automatic Cleaning Systems – The Evolution of ACC Cleaning
      Presenter: Daniela Kerski, JNW Cleaning Solutions, Germany
      13:30-14:30 pm ACCUG Guidelines
      Presenter: Andrew Howell, EPRI
      14:30-15:00 pm Discussion

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