2022 Conference Presentations

12th Annual Conference
Hilton Hotel
Stamford, CT
September 13-15, 2022

Steam Cycle Chemistry in ACCs (Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity presented by Andrew Howell, EPRI)

Film-Forming Chemicals in Air-Cooled Condensers (Andrew Howell, EPRI with input from Barry Dooley, Structural Integrity)

Condensate Polishing for Air-Cooled Condenser Applications (Andrew Howell, EPRI)

ACC Maintenance Reliability Improvement (Rishi Velkar, NV Energy)

Fully-Automatic Cleaning Robots for ACC Cleaning and Cooling with Low Water Use (Arndt Krebs, JNW)

ACC Gearbox Durability (Kris Herijgers, Sumitomo Drive Technologies)

Alternatives to Tracer Gas Leak Detection in ACCs (Andrew Howell, EPRI)

CFD Virtual Fan Test Rig to Verify Fan Performance (Hanno Reuter, Stellenbosch University)

ACC cooling for the largest W2E plant under construction in Poland (Gyorgy Budik, MGM-EGI)

Wind Effects on Air Cooled Condensers (Jeff Ebert and Gary Mirsky, Galebreaker)

Air Pockets in ACC Tubes – Causes and Effects (Andrew Smith, Evapco)

ACC Performance Enhancement Options and Economic Impacts for a Specific Plant (Hanno Reuter, IWC (Pty) Ltd)

ACCUG Guidance Documents: Wind Effects on ACCs, Air in-leakage in ACCs, Guidance Documents discussion (Andrew Howell, EPRI)

Experience report: CPV Induced Draft ACCs (Nick Levandoski, NAES / CPV)

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