10th Annual ACC Users Group Conference
Cheyenne Mountain Resort
Colorado Springs, CO
October 8-11, 2018
Chairman: Andrew Howell
Andrew Howell - Fort Nelson Stainless Steel ACC
Andrew Leavitt - The Practical Application of Tracer Gas Leak Detection
Barry Dooley - Introduction to Chemistry and Corrosion of ACC
Cosimo Bianchini - Windscreen effect on performance and structure, before and after, and comparison with CFD, Part 1
Mitch Frumkin - Wind Screen Effects on Structure, Part 2
Deniz Celikkantar - Doga Enerji Esenyurt Cogeneration Power Plant
Desmond de Haan - Cooling Fans Performance
Don Wright - A Vacuum Leak Odyssey
Fabian Noack - Digitalization in the ACC Cleaning Process
Huub Hubregtse - Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Fouling
Hans van Kamp - A State of Art Approach to Fan Design and Manufacture
Jacques Muiyser - Investigation of Fan Vibration
Martin Cuerdon - Turning Vane Wind Tunnel Test Results
Patrick Britton - HEI Standards for ACCs, 2016 update
Riad Dandan - Dominion's Wildlife Exclusion System
Sean Cusick, Jason Newquist, Patrick Saussus - Induced Draft ACC
Sean Hoenig - Dry Cooling Technologies for Enhanced Thermal Performance
Shaun Marsh - Tour Preview, Comanche ACC Improvement Project Update
Tom Cook - Tour Preview, Front Range Power Plant ACC, Overview and History
Andrew Howell - Advanced Cooling
Andrew Howell - Air Inleakage Review
Andrew Howell - Finned tube cleaning guidance document